منتدى طريق الخير للثقافة و المعرفة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى طريق الخير للثقافة و المعرفة

منتدى طريق الخير للثقافة و المعرفة المتواضع والمتنوع يجتهد لإيصالك القدر الكبير من المعلومات الصحيحة في ميادين مختلفة فلا تبخل علينا بالاشتراك
الرئيسيةاليوميةمكتبة الصورأحدث الصورس .و .جبحـثالأعضاءالمجموعاتالتسجيلدخول


  Question Fasting is a scientific miracleالصيام معجزة علميه

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Admin/ المديرة العامة للمنتدى
Admin/ المديرة العامة للمنتدى

المساهمات : 847
نقاط : 4810
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/11/2020
الموقع : الجزائر العاصمة

 Question Fasting is a scientific miracleالصيام معجزة علميه  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Question Fasting is a scientific miracleالصيام معجزة علميه     Question Fasting is a scientific miracleالصيام معجزة علميه  Emptyالسبت ديسمبر 05, 2020 3:35 pm

The Almighty said: {O those who believe, fasting has been ordained for you as it was written by those before you, so that you may fear history. The Indians, Greeks, Babylonians and ancient Egyptians used to practice fasting, as it was considered an act of good deeds, as it was practiced and practiced by the Jews and Christians, but in other forms they invented and deviated from the true meaning of fasting. All living organisms except man are led by God according to a balanced law to obtain their needs of food, so they take from it according to what they need. So we find that the animal's appetite for food is related to the real need for it or when it is mocked for it. The animal may refrain from eating for a long time, as in the winter hibernation of some animals, or eat very spaced meals, as is the case with some snakes, or the animal abstains from food during a period Illness, injury, or fracture, as is the case in horses, dogs, cats, etc., or when the animal wants to travel, migrate or reproduce, as in salmon and some birds and mammals. But man has given him the will and freedom of choice, so his appetite for food may be separated from his real need for it, and he will devour more of it than needed, especially when food is available in many different types and forms. A person in this age - as one of the scholars says - does not eat because he is hungry, but rather eats to satisfy his appetite for food, so that the surplus of it accumulates in the body, and causes disturbance in its components of various elements, and food toxins accumulate in his tissues, causing imbalance, and diseases and ailments appear. The dangers and damages resulting from too much eating without a date or regulation have become an indisputable fact .. One of the scholars says: “It is certain that eating, especially the successive (introducing food to food) constitutes a heavy burden on the body's metabolism, and cutting this habit will reduce The secretion of hormones of the digestive system and insulin in large quantities, which preserves the health of the body and gives the human being a better and longer life, and research has confirmed that test rats that eat day after day have a lifespan of 63 weeks longer than their counterparts that are allowed to eat whenever they want and they were the most active in weeks last year-old. " With the dawn of the scientific renaissance in Europe, scientists began to demand people not to overeat and indulge in pleasures and suggest fasting to alleviate that, until one of them said addressing his people: “O wretched poor Italy, do you not see that lust leads to the death of your citizens more than any widespread epidemic or A sweeping war, these shameful banquets (pictures of banquets and greedy eaters), which are widespread today, have harmful consequences equivalent to the fiercest war battles. Therefore, we must only eat as much as is necessary for the proper functioning of our bodies, and any increase in what we eat from Amounts of food give us instant pleasure, but in the end we have to pay for the consequences of disease, sometimes even death. " Is this not all a testimony to the scientific miracle in the hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him: “The son of Adam did not fill a bowl of evil from his stomach, according to the son of Adam, for the bites to make his crucifixion. And the ruler, they testify with their sayings and research of the hadith of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, while they do not know it, and their beliefs completely contradict that. The English doctor (Chen), who lived in the eighteenth century, says: “I don’t know what it is like in other countries, but we Protestants do not consider overeating as harmful or harmful, so that people despise their friends who do not fill their stomachs at every meal. ". One of the most recent treatment for obesity today is installing a balloon in the stomach the size of one-third to determine the amount of food and drink, and leaving one-third of the stomach empty by force, and the result of treating obesity in this way was wonderful. And God has verified the saying on the authority of His Messenger, may peace and blessings be upon him: {Whatever is uttered on the authority of desires, it is nothing but a revelation revealed. Therefore, the law of God fasting; A purification for the soul of a person and refinement of his behavior, and prevention and treatment of what ailments and pests that may befall him in himself and his body as a result of the abundance of eating and his longevity, the Almighty said: {And fasting is better for you if you know} that is if you know the virtue and benefits of fasting; These benefits have been evident in our time for those who are obligated by God to fast and for those who can tolerate it, including: 1- The relationship of fasting with the immune system, the functional index of lymphocytes has improved tenfold when fasting, which are cells that defend the body against microorganisms and foreign bodies that attack it The percentage of cells responsible for specific immunity has increased significantly, which is a special type of lymphocytes called repentant cells, and some types of antibodies have also increased, which destroy the invading organisms of the body. The relationship of fasting with the prevention of obesity and treatment of its dangers. Obesity may result from a defect in the metabolism or from environmental, psychological and social pressures, and the Islamic fasting represents a preventive barrier against all of these causes. As the psychological and mental stability is achieved by fasting, as a result of the belief atmosphere that surrounds the fasting person and the abundance of worship, remembrance and reading of the Qur’an, keeping away from emotion and tension, controlling impulses and desires, directing the psychological and physical energies in a positive and beneficial direction, and fasting treats diseases resulting from obesity such as arteriosclerosis, blood pressure and some heart diseases . 3- Doctors used to and still believe that fasting affects urinary tract patients, especially those who have a tendency to form kidney stones, or who suffer from kidney failure, so they advise their patients to break the fast and drink large amounts of fluids, and scientific research has proven otherwise. As the level of sodium in the blood rises during fasting, it prevents the crystallization of calcium salts, as the substance increased Urine in the blood helped prevent urine salts from being deposited as urinary tract stones. Also, fasting did not affect those who suffer from kidney failure with frequent dialysis, which is one of the most dangerous diseases of the urinary system, as it has been proven that fasting does not pose a risk to most diabetics if it is not beneficial to many of them, and does not pose a risk to nursing mothers and pregnant women in the first six months of Pregnancy. 4- Fasting protects the body from the dangers of toxins accumulated in its cells and tissues as a result of eating foods, especially preserved and manufactured ones, consuming medicines and inhaling air contaminated with these toxins. 5- A person benefits from thirst during fasting, as this helps supply the body with energy, improves the ability to learn, and strengthens memory. 6- Fasting improves the fertility of men and women, just as a lot of it reduces and calms the revolution of the sexual instinct among young people, thus protecting the body from psychological and physical disturbances and behavioral deviations, and this is an achievement of miracles in the hadith of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: “O young men, who among you can get married, let him marry And whoever is not able, he must fast, then it is for him and it came ”where the male hormone (testosterone) fell dramatically with continuous fasting for several days, then it rose significantly after it, and this may indicate that the frequent Islamic fasting and the reduction of food during it has the ability, like continuous fasting, to curb sexual desire with Improve it after breakfast. 7- Diseased and weak cells in the body are destroyed when catabolism overcomes building up during fasting, and body cells regenerate during the building phase. 8- Many people think that fasting has a negative impact on their health, and they look at their bodies as they look at the deaf machine that only works with fuel, and they understood that not eating three meals a day is something that will have many damages and dangers, which is what made them spend the night in The month of Ramadan and all their concern is to compensate for this meal by consuming more food and drink .. And they stay asleep most of the day of fasting, fearing for their health, so businesses are disrupted, production decreases, and food and drink consumption increases. Here is the conclusive scientific evidence on the error of this belief and behavior: Scientific studies investigated in physiology indicate the ease and ease of Islamic fasting, and the body's lack of exposure to any stress that has a detrimental effect on it. On the contrary, it has many benefits that could have been achieved only by fasting. The Islamic fast is easy and easy on the body. God Almighty said: {God wants ease for you and does not want hardship for you. Al-Razi said: God Almighty enjoins fasting for the sake of ease and ease, and he enjoined it only in a short period of the year. Nor on the traveler. This ease is manifested in providing the body with all its nutritional needs and not depriving it of them. In this fasting, a person abstains from food and drink for a limited period of time from the day, from dawn to sunset, and has the freedom to eat and drink at night, and thus this fasting is considered a change in the times of eating and drinking only . God, glory be to Him, has deposited stored energies in man, which are sufficient for him if he is completely cut off from food from one to three months during which he will never eat any food. Based on this fact, international medical clinics have been established to treat many chronic diseases with what is known as medical fasting, in which the sick or fasting person is deprived of this fasting of all kinds of food and drink except for pure water. We see that the period of Islamic fasting, which ranges from 12-16 hours, part of which falls in the period of absorption, which is about five hours after eating, and most of it occurs in the period after absorption, which ranges from 12-14 hours, and this period is completely safe by scientific standards, as During this period, activation of all the mechanisms of absorption and metabolism is balanced, so the mechanism of glycogen glycolysis and fat oxidation and decomposition arises, the decomposition of protein and the formation of new glucose from it, and the body does not have any defect in any of its functions, so the fat is not oxidized to the extent that it generates ketone bodies that harm the body, and it does not happen. Negative nitrogen balance to balance protein metabolism, and the brain, red blood cells, and nervous system depend on glucose alone for energy. While starvation or medical fasting does not stop when these mechanisms are activated, but rather intensifies until there is an imbalance in some organ functions; Therefore, the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - forbade the connection in fasting to facilitate and ease his ummah, based on that, the cells of the body work normally during fasting and get all their needs from the huge stock in the body, so the nutrition processes never stop, but what is stopped is the digestive processes And absorption. Islamic fasting is considered a unique nutritional representation: as it includes the building and demolition phases, after breakfast and the pre-dawn meal, the building up of important compounds in cells and the regeneration of stored materials that were consumed in the production of energy, and after the absorption period of the suhoor meal, the catabolism begins to decompose the food stock of glycogen and fats, to extend The body with the necessary energy during movement and activity during the day of fasting, so the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, emphasized and urged him to eat the Sahur meal, to supply the body with building materials, and his urging him, peace and blessings be upon him, was to delay the suhoor and hasten the breaking of the fast. Because this would reduce the period of fasting so that it does not exceed the period after absorption as much as possible, and therefore the Islamic fasting does not cause distress, nor does it constitute a harmful psychological pressure on the body, in any case, but on the contrary, fasting improves the degree of endurance of physical effort, and even the efficiency of performance. Intramuscular. Some scientists conducted experiments in this matter and then referred to the results and said: The efficiency of the muscular performance of the fasting people in this exciting experiment improved by 20% for 30% of the subjects and 7% for 40% of them, and the heart rate improved by 6%, and the outcome improved Blood pressure multiplied by the speed of the pulse by 12%, and the degree of feeling short of breath improved by 9% and the degree of feeling tired legs improved by 11%. This is a wonderful experience t nullifies the common perception of many people that fasting weakens physical effort, and affects activity and movement, so they fall into rest and stillness, and spend most of the fasting day in sleep and laziness. Who told Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, all these facts about fasting, who told him that fasting is protection from psychological and physical harm? Who told him that too much fasting dampens sexual desire, and reduces its intensity and revolution, especially among young people, and who told him that fasting has benefits and benefits that healthy people get, and who can even fast from the sick and those with excuses? Who told him that fasting is easy and affordable, does not harm the body and does not strain the soul even though he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, grew up in an environment that does not know this fasting and does not practice it? The one who informs about all this is God Almighty, who said to His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace: {But God bears witness to what was revealed to you He revealed it with His knowledge} [An-Nisa: 93]. Thus, scholars at this time see that what Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, brought is the truth revealed by God. The Almighty said: {And those who have attained see the knowledge revealed to you from your Lord is the truth and guides to the path of the Mighty and the Praised} [Saba: 6].

Islamic History

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Question Fasting is a scientific miracleالصيام معجزة علميه
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